Welcome to the Georgia State University Perimeter College R.E.P. website. The University System of Georgia Board of Regents expanded the opportunities for students to transfer into bachelor of science programs in Engineering across the state of Georgia through the Regents’ Engineering Pathways (R.E.P.) .
Students are able to pursue R.E.P. to transfer to the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Georgia, Kennesaw State University, Georgia Southern University or Mercer University. Each of these partner institutions has its own requirements. In addition to each partner’s requirements, students pursuing R.E.P. at Perimeter College must fulfill our Perimeter College in-house requirements.
Perimeter College requires students to meet all of the following prior to enrollment in R.E.P.:
- Enrolled in a Georgia State University Perimeter College associate (Associate of Science) degree pathway.
- Passed or exempted from MATH 2211 (Calculus I).
- Eligible to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at Perimeter College after the date of high school graduation (for students who are transferring to Perimeter College and planning to transfer to Georgia Tech, Georgia Southern University, or University of Georgia).
Special restrictions regarding collegiate course work completed at other institutions may render students ineligible. Please consult the FAQs for more detail on how outside coursework affects eligibility.
R.E.P. Enrollment Procedure
- After successfully completing or placing out of MATH 1111, see an R.E.P. coordinator for your first meeting to create a customized R.E.P. course plan.
- After successfully completing or placing out of MATH 2211 (Calculus I), see an R.E.P. coordinator to enroll in the program. During this meeting, your coordinator will check your progress toward completing the R.E.P. requirements and have you fill out a web-based application form confirming your program participation.
Your coordinator is happy to meet with you each semester thereafter to discuss progress toward completion.
Completion of the following courses is required for students pursuing R.E.P. to Georgia Tech or the University of Georgia. For those interested in transferring to Kennesaw State, Georgia Southern, or Mercer, students may be granted conditional acceptance through R.E.P. prior to the completion of R.E.P. coursework. Please see the R.E.P. website for those universities for more information or speak with an R.E.P. coordinator.
When you make your course plan, ensure you meet all pre-requisite requirements to ensure registration eligibility. Refer to suggested R.E.P. course plans. Please see the Associate Catalog “Course Lookup” feature for course descriptions.
R.E.P Required Courses Flowchart
Group I
- Introduction to Engineering ENGR1603
- Engineering Graphics and Design I ENGR1211
- Engineering Graphics and Design II ENGR1212
- Statics ENGR2605
- Principles of Computer Science I CSC1301
- Computing Fundamentals for Engineers ENGR1671
- CHOOSE ONE (Dynamics ENGR2606 | Circuit Analysis ENGR2040)**
Group II
- Calculus I MATH2211
- Calculus II MATH2212
- Calculus III for Engineers MATH 2551
- Linear Algebra MATH2641
- Differential Equations MATH2652
Group III
- Principles of Physics I and lab PHYS2211&L or PHYS2211K
- Principles of Physics II and lab PHYS2212&L or PHYS2212K
- Principles of Chemistry I and lab CHEM1211&L or CHEM1211K
- Principles of Chemistry II and lab CHEM1212&L or CHEM1212K
Group IV
- English Composition I ENGL1101
- English Composition II ENGL1102
- American Government POLS1101
- Human Communication SCOM1000
** All students are advised to take Dynamics unless majoring in Electrical or Computer Engineering.
Starting in Calculus
Fall – 1
ENGR 1603 – 3
ENGL 1101 – 3
ENGR 1211 – 3
MATH 2211 – 4
POLS 1101 – 3
Total 16
Spring – 1
ENGR 1212 – 3
ENGL 1102 – 3
MATH 2212 – 4
PHYS2211 & 2211L – 4
SCOM 1000 – 2
Total 16
Fall – 2
CSC 1301 – 4
CHEM 1211 & 1211L – 4
ENGR 2605 – 3
PHYS 2212 & 2212L – 4
MATH 2551 – 4
Total 18
Spring – 2
CHEM 1212 & 1212L – 4
ENGR 1671 – 3
ENGR 2606 or 2040* – 3
MATH 2652 – 4
MATH 2641 – 3
Total 17
Starting in Pre-Calculus
Fall – 1
ENGL 1101 – 3
POLS 1101 – 3
ENGR 1211 – 3
MATH 1112 or 1113 – 3
Total 12
Spring – 1
ENGL 1102 – 3
ENGR 1212 – 3
ENGR 1603 – 3
MATH 2211 – 4
CSC 1301 – 4
Total 16
Summer – 1
PHYS 2211 & 2211L – 4
MATH 2212 – 4
Total 8
Fall – 2
CHEM 1211 & 1211L 4
ENGR 2605 – 3
MATH 2551 – 4
SCOM 1000 – 2
Total 13
Spring – 2
ENGR 2606 or 2040* – 3
ENGR 1671 – 3
MATH 2652 – 4
PHYS 2212 & 2212L – 4
Total 14
Summer – 2
CHEM 1212 & 1212L – 4
MATH 2641 – 3
Total 7
Partners' Application Requirements
Visit each partner institute’s R.E.P. website:
Campus Contacts
Perimeter College has seen hundreds of students successfully transfer to our partner institutions using the Regents’ Engineering Pathways (R.E.P.) since the program began in 1986. Our students have gone on to become astronauts, consultants, and professional engineers, among many other prestigious careers. By pursuing R.E.P. at Perimeter College, students work closely with engineering faculty who serve as R.E.P. coordinators towards successfully meeting the stringent entrance requirements of Georgia’s bachelor of science engineering degree programs. Before transfer, R.E.P. students must meet certain GPA requirements (specific to the partner institution) and complete the appropriate coursework described on this site. Upon successful completion of the requirements, a student’s R.E.P. program coordinator provides the required recommendation to the transfer institution to be specially considered for transfer admission as a R.E.P. student.
(contact via email preferred)
Clarkston Campus
Anant Honkan
Phone: 678-891-3722
Email: [email protected]
Taylor Shapero
Phone: 678-891-3319
Email: [email protected]
Sahithya Reddivari
Phone: 678-891-3735
Email: [email protected]
(on both campuses)
(contact via email preferred)
Dunwoody Campus
Lei Gu
Phone: 770-274-5382
Email: [email protected]
Dongjin Kim
Phone: 770-274-5507
Email: [email protected]
Sahithya Reddivari
Phone: 678-891-3735
Email: [email protected]
(on both campuses)
The Regents’ Engineering Pathways – formerly known as Regents’ Engineering Transfer Program
The Regents’ Engineering Pathways ( R.E.P.) is based upon the concept of students successfully completing two or more years of specific courses at designated units of the USG and then completing their engineering degrees at Georgia State University Perimeter College, Kenessaw State University, Mercer University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Southern University, or the University of Georgia.
R.E.P. Coordinators
Welcome to Georgia State University Perimeter College’s Regents’ Engineering Pathways Program. We are delighted that you have chosen Perimeter College to begin your journey on becoming an engineer. Since its inception in 1986, our program has helped hundreds of students to reach their goals and has established itself as a preeminent leader in preparing the next generation of engineers. With a mission to encourage and promote the engineering discipline, Perimeter College’s Regents’ Engineering Pathways Program works to increase access and the success of students pursuing an engineering pathway and transferring to an R.E.P. Engineering Institution. The program prepares students within their first two years of college-level work with core competencies in math and science and a foundation in engineering that propels them to some of the top four-year engineering programs in the state where they can complete a B.S. degree. At Perimeter College, as a student you will find small class sizes led by dedicated and highly qualified faculty. Additionally, we encourage you to take advantage of the many co-curricular initiatives which include club activities, sponsored programs, and research/internship opportunities, to name a few.
We welcome you to be a part of this exciting and challenging learning environment as you work toward your goal of becoming an engineer. Please explore the website to learn more about the program and to seek answers to some of the more frequently asked questions. I wish you much success and happy browsing!
Dr. Cynthia Lester
Chair, Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Dr. Anant Honkan
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]
Dr. Taylor McLachlan Shapero
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]
Dr. Sahithya Reddivari
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]
Dr. Lei Gu
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]
Georgia Southern FAQs
What is the process of transfer to Georgia Southern through R.E.P.?
- Complete all required courses for the appropriate major. See link for required courses below.
- 2.5 GPA in Overall, Math, and Science.
- “C” or better in all STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
- Complete application through GA Future
- Apply for admission during the application filing period for the semester the student wishes to transfer. See application deadlines link below
- No more than 2 required courses left in last semester prior to transfer. See required courses link below
- Recommendation from R.E.P. Coordinator at first Institution- Georgia Southern will request
Application deadlines: http://admissions.georgiasouthern.edu/deadlines/
Required courses: http://ceit.georgiasouthern.edu/degrees/repp/repp_course_requirements/
Application Instructions: http://ceit.georgiasouthern.edu/degrees/repp/rep-transfer-to-gsu-requirements/
What are the high demand majors in engineering?
All engineering majors are considered as the high-demand majors.
What engineering bachelor’s degrees does Georgia Southern offer?
- Civil engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Refer to: http://ceit.georgiasouthern.edu/degrees/undergraduate/
What are the deadlines for the application per semester?
Deadlines are updated annually. See the link below for deadlines for current years. Refer to: http://admissions.georgiasouthern.edu/deadlines/
How to apply?
Submit an application to KSUGeorgia Southern online at GAFutures.org. This requires completing the application and submitting with an application fee.
Kennesaw State University FAQs
What is the process of transfer to KSU through R.E.P.?
- Complete appropriate courses for the major of choice as given in the curriculum chart (Attached below)
- Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) and a GPA in math and science courses of 2.7 or above to be eligible for Engineering Standing (ES). KSU accepts all transfer students who meet the minimum requirements for transfer. So, if a student has not completed all the courses or does not have a 2.7 in the outlined courses, they are admitted but the 2.7 is required for Engineering Standing. ES is required for most engineering 3xxxand 4xxx level courses.
- Apply to KSU as a regular transfer student
- KSU Transfer services: http://transfer.kennesaw.edu/how-transfers/transfer-students.php
What is Engineering Standing?
In order to enroll in upper division engineering courses (course numbers in the 3000’s and 4000’s) at KSU, students must apply for and be granted Engineering Standing. Eligibility requirements Engineering Standing.
- Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) and a GPA in math and science courses of 2.7 or above
- Complete all required courses for your major of interest (See course list below). If you have two courses remaining you may be eligible for a conditional engineering standing. Contact your coordinator to assess your eligibility.
- Submit Engineering Standing application to your department at KSU after being accepted to KSU and registering for an Orientation. Pre-approved Engineering Standing will greatly expedite the class registration process.
- If you have successfully completed Perimeter College’s REP requirements for transfer to KSU, you will be automatically eligible to apply for engineering standing.
What are the high demand majors in engineering?
All engineering majors are considered as the high-demand majors.
What engineering bachelor’s degrees does KSU offer?
- Civil engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Construction Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
Refer to: https://www.kennesaw.edu/degrees-programs/index.php
What are the deadlines for the application per semester?
Deadlines are updated annually. See the link below for deadlines for current years.
Refer to: http://admissions.kennesaw.edu/deadlines.php
How to apply?
- Submit an application to KSU online at GAFutures. This requires completing the application and submitting with a $40 application fee.
- Submit official college transcripts from any college previously attended. If you are enrolled at the time of application, request a transcript showing any work prior to the current term to be sent before the KSU admission deadline, and also request a final transcript at the end of the term.
Refer to: http://transfer.kennesaw.edu/how-transfers/transfer-students.php
What are Perimeter College’s requirements to accomplish before applying for KSU?
- Complete appropriate courses for the major of choice as given in the curriculum chart (Attached below)
- Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) and a GPA in math and science courses of 2.7 or above to be eligible for engineering standing
Does KSU include my failed grades?
The cumulative transfer GPA for admission eligibility is calculated on all academic work attempted from all institutions attended. If a course is repeated both grades are calculated.
What is the difference between regular transfer and R.E.P. transfer to KSU?
No difference in terms of course requirements and application process. KSU gives you the option of taking lower level courses at Perimeter giving you the advantage of smaller classes and lower tuition. You may transfer to KSU at any point and complete your lower level classes at KSU as well.
GSU-PC & KSU courses by major?
Mercer FAQs
Georgia State University - Perimeter College & Mercer courses by major?
What is process of transfer to Mercer University through R.E.P?
- Complete appropriate courses for the major of choice as given in the curriculum chart (Attached below)
- A minimum of 2.5 GPA in all college enrollments. In addition, students must also have a 2.5 GPA or higher in all college mathematics, science, and engineering courses (excluding developmental mathematics courses). They must also be in good standing, that is, not on warning, probation, suspension, or equivalent. The School of Engineering will consider transfer students at any stage in their education after successfully completing Calculus I (MAT191).
- Students who have completed a course which transfers as MAT 191 and have not yet completed CHM 111, PHY 161, and MAT 192, but who are otherwise eligible, may be granted conditional admission to the School of Engineering BSE degree program.
- Transfer Service: undergrad.mercer.edu/transfer-admissions/
- Visit Mercer REP website for more information: http://engineering.mercer.edu/admissions/regents-engineering-pathway.cfm
What engineering Bachelor’s degree does Mercer offer?
- Biomedical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
What is the process of applying and transferring to UGA?
There is no special transfer process for REP students. Students apply to UGA as a regular transfer students. After admission/transfer to UGA, once they meet the minimum requirements for engineering majors, they will apply for one of the engineering majors. For the details, you may refer to these websites:
UGA REP website http://engineering.uga.edu/admissions/undergraduate/rep/
- Regular transfer application https://www.admissions.uga.edu/prospective-students/transfer/
- High-Demand Majors application http://engineering.uga.edu/academics/admissions-process/
Why is admission into a specific major not included with admission as a UGA student?
Engineering at UGA is in high demand. They only allow students to pursue these majors based on review of your scores in select course work in addition to completion of a Personal Statement of Purpose.
What are the high demand majors in engineering?
All engineering majors are considered as the high-demand majors. You can verify this for yourself by reading the description for your major available through bulletin.uga.edu
What engineering bachelor’s degrees does UGA offer?
Agricultural, Biochemical, Biological, Civil, Computer Systems, Electrical & Electronics, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering
Refer to: http://engineering.uga.edu/undergraduate-degrees
What are the deadlines for the application per semester?
- Spring semester: August 15
- Summer semester: March 1
- Fall semester: April 1
The deadlines above are for regular transfer applicants. For high-demand-major application, students need to refer to the deadlines addressed in the website https://engineering.uga.edu/prospective-students/ that are annually updated.
How to apply?
Students must submit the regular transfer admission application form [link to: <https://apply.uga.edu/apply/] along with a recommendation form from the REP coordinator.
What are the UGA criteria for transfer students?
Complete 30-59 college credit hours from PC after high school.
- Have one completed college course in math and/or laboratory science.
- A 3.20 or higher calculated transfer GPA.
- Must meet the UGA admission requirements at the time of application.
Refer to: https://www.admissions.uga.edu/prospective-students/transfer/
What are Perimeter College’s requirements to accomplish before applying for UGA?
Complete 30 credit hours from PC after high school or transfer from another college level institute.
When I transfer to UGA, will I be able to immediately apply to be in my engineering major?
The answer to this question depends on which engineering major you choose to pursue at UGA and which courses you completed at Perimeter College before transfer. For some engineering majors, the barrier to entry into that major requires classes that Perimeter College doesn’t offer. Please see the question below for more details on what is required to be admitted into each engineering major.
What are UGA’s admission requirements for engineering majors?
Students may indicate their first, second, and third choices for their engineering major, although listing a second and third alternate is not required. Students will be selected based on their grades in the following three areas:
General Education Coursework (30%)
- MATH 2250 (at Perimeter College: MATH 2211)
- MATH 2260 (at Perimeter College: MATH 2212)PHYS 1211 or PHYS 1251 (at Perimeter College: PHYS 2211)
- ENGL 1101 (at Perimeter College: ENGL 1101)
Major Specific Coursework (40%)
For Agricultural, Civil, Environmental or Mechanical Engineering
- ENGR 1120 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- ENGR 1140 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)ENGR 2120 (at Perimeter College: ENGR 2605)
For Biological or Biochemical Engineering
- BIOL 1107 & BIOL 1107L (at Perimeter College: BIOL 2107 & BIOL2107L)
- CHEM 1212 & CHEM 1212L (at Perimeter College: CHEM 1212 & CHEM1212L)
- ENGR 2120 (at Perimeter College: ENGR 2605)
For Computer Systems Engineering
- CSEE 2220 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- CSEE 2210 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- CSCI 1302 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
For Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- CSEE 2220 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- ELEE 1030 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- ENGR 2170 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
Personal Statement of Purpose (30%)
Explain your interest in engineering and describe your experience with engineering as well as your ultimate career goal and the way that enables you to reach the goal.
Note that the above criteria are minimum application requirements and do not guarantee acceptance to any major in the college of engineering.
Refer to:https://engineering.uga.edu/
Does UGA include my failed grades?
Yes. They calculate transfer GPA along with D’s, F’s and WF’s from every college you have attended. If a course is repeated, they use both grades. Refer to: https://www.admissions.uga.edu/prospective-students/transfer
What does it mean by “they have equal access to engineering majors” on the UGA’s R.E.P. website states?
Students who have transferred to UGA as traditional applicants or after following a R.E.P. pathway are treated the same as the students who entered UGA as freshmen. As a R.E.P. student you can apply to high demand majors at UGA; participate in the co-op program; and attend UGA campus tours, information sessions, and meetings with advisors in your engineering major once a year.
For more FAQs
Georgia Tech FAQs
Incoming and New Students
What is R.E.P.?
R.E.P. stands for: Regents’ Engineering Pathways. It was established by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia primarily to expand the availability of engineering education opportunities for Georgians. Students complete two or more years of engineering pathway courses at University System of Georgia institutions, including Georgia State University, and then transfer to Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Southern University, Kennesaw State University, Mercer University or the University of Georgia. You may have seen it called REPP, REP, RETP, or RTP elsewhere.
For students seeking to complete an engineering degree at Georgia Tech, what are the advantages to beginning your engineering studies at Perimeter College?
- Ability to transfer easily to Georgia Tech with a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher (see GPA requirements posted later in FAQs)* Fewer students in each class at Perimeter College
- More personalized attention
- Courses taught by experienced professor
- Additional resources for under-represented groups
- Availability of an AS degree, not just in engineering, but in other disciplines as well
Additional advantages include the following:
- Tutoring and academic support in math through programs like Math, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) and the STEM Lab
- Meeting Georgia Tech advisors in the engineering field of choice before transfer
- Early advisement at Georgia Tech before transfer
- Being part of Georgia State’s growing REP community of students at Georgia Tech.
Why is the list of courses and requirements Georgia Tech shows on their website for R.E.P. students different from the one shown on Perimeter College R.E.P. webpage?
The list shown on Georgia Tech’s website (http://ceed.gatech.edu/admissions-requirements) is a minimum requirement as a R.E.P. student. Perimeter College requires additional coursework to be eligible for our R.E.P. recommendation. Thus, there are institutional (Perimeter College) requirements and transfer institution (Georgia Tech) requirements for R.E.P.. BOTH must be satisfied to be eligible for a R.E.P. recommendation from Perimeter College.
Can I apply as a regular transfer after I enroll in Perimeter College R.E.P.?
Yes, you may apply to Tech as regular transfer student any time when you satisfy their qualifications.
If I do not get admission as a regular transfer student can I come back and continue R.E.P. coursework and apply to Georgia Tech as an R.E.P. student?
Yes, you can re-apply to Georgia Tech with or without R.E.P..
Course Selection
Can I take Perimeter College online courses to satisfy Georgia Tech R.E.P. course requirements?
We recommend you take all classes on campus, not online. There are several courses that you are not allowed to take online to qualify to transfer. Here is what a note on the transfer equivalency page of Georgia Tech says:
“Currently, on-line versions of all Lab Science courses, International Affairs, Psychology, Economics and courses equivalent to HIST 2111 and HIST 2112 are not eligible for transfer credit consideration. In most cases mathematics are not eligible for consideration unless sufficient documentation is provided to show the course exams are proctored. If you are interested in taking the on-line versions of mathematics courses that meet this requirement,
or have questions regarding this policy, please contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.”
https://oscar.gatech.edu/pls/bprod/wwsktrna.P_find_location Other questions on how classes are evaluated for transfer are answered on this site as well.
Do I need to have a second Chemistry course?
CHEM 1212 and 1212L are optional for some majors at Georgia Tech. However, as part of REP, you are required you to complete both CHEM 1211 and 1212 with their lab components at Perimeter College. Again, you must complete the REP requirements at both Perimeter College and Georgia Tech to transfer through REP.
Should I take Dynamics or Electrical Circuits?
We recommend all students take Dynamics unless you intend to major in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering students should take Electrical Circuits.
Are there any restrictions on which classes I can take in my last semester at Perimeter College?
Often, yes! We’re glad you asked. In the semester before you transfer to Georgia Tech, you must have already successfully completed all or all but 1-2 of Georgia Tech’s REP requirements if you are applying for Spring or Summer admissions (that is, the requirements listed here: http://ceed.gatech.edu/admissions-requirements).
For example, let’s look at two possible schedules for a student planning to major in Electrical Engineering. If you are applying to start at Georgia Tech in Spring, and the Fall term is your last at Perimeter College, you might sign up for the following courses:
Option 1 (this is an acceptable schedule Fall schedule when applying for Spring)
- Differential Equations
- Electrical Circuits
- Linear Algebra
- Computing Fundamentals for Engineers
Option 2 (this is NOT an acceptable Fall schedule when applying for Spring)
- Differential Equations
- Electrical Circuits
- Linear Algebra
- Physics II & L
Only 1-2 of Georgia Tech’s required REP courses can be in progress in the semester before transfer. Please note: Option 2 is an acceptable Spring term schedule if you are applying for Fall term admissions, but not if you are applying for Summer term admissions.
How many credits can I transfer to Georgia Tech? Is there a limit?
All collegiate level courses stated in areas A through F are acceptable for transfer. The average number of transfer credits by REP students to Georgia Tech is 72 credit hours as of Fall 2015. You must complete all coursework required for graduation in a specific field of engineering at Georgia Tech.
Transfer Process Questions
When do I need to decide on my major for Georgia Tech?
It’s a good idea to try to decide this early on in your studies at Perimeter College. We will likely ask you this question when you come in for your REP meetings. Nonetheless, so long as you have completed all REP requirements from both Georgia Tech and Perimeter College, you can delay your final major selection until you submit your transfer application to Georgia Tech. Please keep your REP coordinator informed if you decide to change majors within engineering or to another field.
When you apply to Georgia Tech, you will be able to list a secondary choice for major at Georgia Tech. Should you choose a non-engineering secondary major, you would be evaluated for that major as a regular transfer student, not as an REP Program student.
Please note that Georgia Tech has divided the requirements by major. Check the major admission requirements http://ceed.gatech.edu/admissions-requirements to make sure you satisfy those requirements listed for any major you apply to.
When do I apply to Georgia Tech for admission to the College of Engineering?
You need to apply one semester before you complete the coursework. The current deadlines are: September 15 for spring, January 15 for summer, and March 5 for fall term admissions
How do I indicate to Georgia Tech that I am applying as an R.E.P. student?
On your admissions application, be sure to indicate (in the appropriate selection box) that you are enrolled in a partnership program, R.E.P.. The Perimeter College R.E.P. coordinators will then be contacted and will complete and submit their evaluation before the document deadline.
On my Georgia Tech admissions application, there are two prompts for essays. Do I need to write these?
Yes. Georgia Tech performs a holistic review of all applicants, including those in transfer partnerships such as REP. They expect you to complete the application in full.
The application allows me to request a letter of recommendation. Can I request one from a R.E.P. coordinator since I’m applying as a R.E.P. student?
No, Perimeter College’s R.E.P. coordinators will only submit the R.E.P. Recommendation Form to Georgia Tech for R.E.P. applicants and will not write individual letters of recommendation to Georgia Tech for R.E.P. students due to the sheer volume of requests for such letters. The R.E.P. Recommendation Form that your coordinator will submit on your behalf includes an area for comments where we may briefly include personalized recommendations to the Georgia Tech admissions team. R.E.P. coordinators automatically complete this section and you do not need to ask your R.E.P. coordinator to fill it out. This form does not count as your one optional letter of recommendation.
From whom should I request a letter of recommendation?
Georgia Tech states that they will accept one (1) recommendation from a faculty member of your choice. The recommendation is not required by Georgia Tech and absence of such a recommendation will not impact your application review. Should you, as a REP applicant, choose to request a recommendation, please make your request of a faculty member who knows you well and who is not a REP coordinator.
I’ve submitted my GT application, and Buzzport has a red X mark next to “R.E.P. Recommendation Form.” Is this something I need to submit or why do I not see a green check mark? Is this a problem?
This part of your application will be submitted by a R.E.P. coordinator before the document deadline for your application. It is not something you submit, and your R.E.P. coordinator will likely wait until the last week before the document deadline to submit it. It is not a problem. If the document deadline passes and it is still marked as missing, feel free to check in with us, and we will check on the current status and confirm that it is in processing.
What are the GPA requirements for R.E.P.?
All GPA requirements must be met at the Georgia Tech document deadline for applications. GPA requirements to transfer from Perimeter College for all College of Engineering majors are currently:
- 3.3 GPA cumulative
- 3.3 GPA combined for mathematics (Calc I and up) and lab science courses
If you are on our internal “grandfathered-in students list” which was only available to students officially in RETP in Fall 2015 or earlier, then your GPA requirements still depend on your major. If you think you might have been on this list (it required you to fill out a form in Fall 2016) and want to double check, you may ask your R.E.P. coordinator.
Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Industrial, and Chemical & Biomolecular engineering majors:
- 3.3 GPA cumulative
- 3.3 GPA combined for mathematics (Calc I and up) and lab science courses
All other engineering majors:
- 3.2 GPA cumulative
- 3.2 GPA combined for mathematics (Calc I and up) and lab science courses
Is it possible the GPA requirement changes between when I start(ed) R.E.P. at Perimeter College and when I apply to Georgia Tech?
This is possible since Georgia Tech reviews those criteria on a regular basis because of intense competition for admission in the College of Engineering. Aim for the highest you can get! You’ll be subject to Georgia Tech’s GPA requirements at the time of transfer.
Can I retake courses to improve my GPA?
If you have a C in any course then repeating it and getting a new grade makes no difference to Georgia Tech. Your original grade stands as the only one for that course in your GPA. However if you have a D or F then you have to get a C or better. Your GPA must be 3.3 in Math/Science and 3.3 (major dependent) overall. ALL collegiate level courses are taken into account (repeated or not) to determine your GPA.
I’d like to pursue a popular major, but am just barely able to meet the 3.3 GPA requirement. Can I just apply to Georgia Tech for a different major or list it as a backup secondary major choice and then try to change majors or take classes in my preferred major after I’m admitted?
It is extremely rare for a transfer student to be able to change majors at Georgia Tech, especially into one that is higher in demand (Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Industrial, and Chemical & Biomolecular) because they are the most in-demand majors. You must stay in a specific major for at least 1 semester before a request could be considered. It is impossible to register for classes that are not required for your current major at Georgia Tech due to enrollment limitations in place at Georgia Tech. Should you not be admitted to your major of choice, we encourage you to make the most of the major you are admitted to – Georgia Tech has found that the jobs their alumni are working 5 years after graduation are almost completely unrelated to the specific engineering field their degree is in. Many employers often just care to hire employees who have a Georgia Tech degree, not necessarily one in a specific major.
What are my options if my GPA is just below the cutoff?
Because of the competitiveness at Georgia Tech, exceptions to GPA requirements cannot be made. You may use REP to transfer to one of the other 4 partner REP engineering institutions or you may transfer to Georgia State University’s Atlanta campus in downtown Atlanta and pursue a Bachelor’s degree in science, computer science, math, or another field.
After I apply, can I delay transferring to Georgia Tech?
No. Georgia Tech states: applications and offers of admission are specific to the term for which the application was submitted. To instead be considered for admission in a future term it will be necessary to submit a new application for that term.
Do all science classes count towards my math/science GPA?
Only lab sciences count towards the math/science GPA. For example, you could take a biochemistry course, but because it does not have a lab component, it will not count towards your math/science grade. The lab sciences that do count include those that are transferrable to Georgia Tech.
What classes count towards my cumulative GPA?
All collegiate level courses with grades A-F or WF that are transferrable to Georgia Tech are counted in your cumulative GPA (excluding repeats of courses previous passed (C or higher)).
Why does Georgia Tech not guarantee admissions to R.E.P. partnership students? What are the most common reasons a student may be denied admissions through R.E.P.?
Students who are denied admissions through R.E.P. often have required non-U.S. coursework that was accepted by Perimeter College but is not accepted by Georgia Tech. Unfortunately, it is often impossible to catch this until Georgia Tech reviews the admissions application.
Many times, students are not admitted because they fail to complete the application to Georgia Tech in full! Be sure you fully complete the application.
Other instances are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may include students who try to raise their math/science GPA by taking extra science courses that are unrelated to their major.
Students with AP Credit or Previous College Coursework
Do AP classes count in my GPA calculations?
If an eligible course is listed on your Perimeter College transcript with a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) associated with it, it will count towards your GPA calculations for REP.
My AP credits are listed with an “S” rather than a letter grade. Is that okay?
Yes, because Perimeter College has given you credit, Georgia Tech will honor that credit for an AP that you’ve received at Perimeter College. Because there is no A-F letter grade associated with it, the “S” will not be counted in your GPA calculations.
How many R.E.P. courses must I take at Perimeter College to be eligible to transfer to Georgia Tech through R.E.P. from Perimeter College?
Georgia Tech requires you to complete at least 30 credit hours of English, mathematics, lab science, and engineering course requirements (which vary by major) at Perimeter College. These 30 credit hours must be completed post high school graduation. Let’s take a look at how to add these up (any courses not listed here do not count toward the 30 hour requirement):
Course | Credit Hours (at GSU-PC and or GPC) | Hours Counted Towards 30 hr Requirement (see notes for numbers in parentheses item limitations) |
ENGL 1101 | 3 | 3 |
ENGL 1102 | 3 | 3 |
MATH 2211 | 4 | 4 |
MATH 2212 | 4 | 4 |
MATH 2215 | 4 | 4 |
MATH 2641 | 3 | 3 |
MATH 2652 | 4 | 41 |
CHEM 1211&1211L or 1211K | 4 | 4 |
CHEM 1211&1211L or 1211K | 4 | 4 |
PHYS 2211&2211L or 2211K | 4 | 4 |
PHYS 2212&2212L or 2212K | 4 | 4 |
BIOL 2107&2107L or 2107K | 4 | 42 |
CSC 1301 | 4 | 43 |
ENGR 1671 | 3 | 33 |
ENGR 1211 & 1212 | 6 | 34 |
ENGR 2040 | 3 | 35 |
ENGR 2605 | 3 | 36 |
ENGR 2606 | 3 | 37 |
1While required by all Perimeter College REP students, credit for MATH 2652 does not count toward the 30 hour requirement for Industrial and Systems Engineering majors (all other majors may count it).
2BIOL 2107 with lab counts towards the 30 hour requirement for Environmental and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering majors only.
3CSC 1301 counts towards the 30 hour requirement for Industrial and Systems Engineering majors only. This course must be completed Perimeter College students pursuing this major. ENGR 1671 counts towards the 30 hour requirement for all majors except Industrial and Systems Engineering majors.
4ENGR 1211 and 1212 counts toward the 30 hour requirement for the following majors only: Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil.
5ENGR 2040 counts toward the 30 hour requirement for the following majors only: Computer, Electrical.
6ENGR 2605 counts toward the 30 hour requirement for the following majors only: Mechanical, Nuclear and Radiological, Aerospace, Civil, Environmental, Materials Science, Biomedical.
7ENGR 2606 counts toward the 30 hour requirement for the following majors only: Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil, Environmental.
I am a returning student with some credit that is over 10 years old. Can I still use that credit?
Credit for course work completed 10 or more years ago may require a petition to the registrar to be considered.
I am a returning student and didn’t do so well when I tried college for the first time (in the U.S. or abroad), and so I have a low GPA from that. Since returning to school, I’ve done well, but my GPA is still low due to the past. Is R.E.P. a possibility for me?
The GPA requirements must include ALL collegiate level credit (excluding repeats for courses previously passed) that is transferable to Georgia Tech. You cannot be considered if your GPA does not meet Georgia Tech’s requirements.
Engineering students are welcome in Perimeter College’s student clubs. Club activities are advantageous for students by joining a large community as well as practicing engineering related skills. Many REP students are active in one or more of the following student clubs:
Clarkston Computing and Engineering Club (CLACEC)
Dunwoody Engineering Club
Contact: Dr. Le Gu [email protected]
Women in STEM Experience (WiSE)
Perimeter College has seen hundreds of students successfully transfer to our partner institutions using the Regents’ Engineering Pathways (R.E.P.) since the program began in 1986. Our students have gone on to become astronauts, consultants, and professional engineers, among many other prestigious careers. By pursuing R.E.P. at Perimeter College, students work closely with engineering faculty who serve as R.E.P. coordinators towards successfully meeting the stringent entrance requirements of Georgia’s bachelor of science engineering degree programs. Before transfer, R.E.P. students must meet certain GPA requirements (specific to the partner institution) and complete the appropriate coursework described on this site. Upon successful completion of the requirements, a student’s R.E.P. program coordinator provides the required recommendation to the transfer institution to be specially considered for transfer admission as a R.E.P. student.
(contact via email preferred)
Clarkston Campus
Anant Honkan
Phone: 678-891-3722
Email: [email protected]
Taylor Shapero
Phone: 678-891-3329
Email: [email protected]
Sahithya Reddivari
Phone: 678-891-3735
Email: [email protected]
(on both campuses)
(contact via email preferred)
Dunwoody Campus
Lei Gu
Phone: 770-274-5382
Email: [email protected]
Dongjin Kim
Phone: 770-274-5507
Email: [email protected]
Sahithya Reddivari
Phone: 678-891-3735
Email: [email protected]
(on both campuses)
The Regents’ Engineering Pathways – formerly known as Regents’ Engineering Transfer Program
The Regents’ Engineering Pathways (REP) is based upon the concept of students successfully completing two or more years of specific courses at designated units of the USG and then completing their engineering degrees at Georgia State University Perimeter College, Kenessaw State University, Mercer University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Southern University, or the University of Georgia.
R.E.P. Coordinators
Welcome to Georgia State University Perimeter College’s Regents’ Engineering Pathways Program. We are delighted that you have chosen Perimeter College to begin your journey on becoming an engineer. Since its inception in 1986, our program has helped hundreds of students to reach their goals and has established itself as a preeminent leader in preparing the next generation of engineers. With a mission to encourage and promote the engineering discipline, Perimeter College’s Regents’ Engineering Pathways Program works to increase access and the success of students pursuing an engineering pathway and transferring to an R.E.P. Engineering Institution. The program prepares students within their first two years of college-level work with core competencies in math and science and a foundation in engineering that propels them to some of the top four-year engineering programs in the state where they can complete a B.S. degree. At Perimeter College, as a student you will find small class sizes led by dedicated and highly qualified faculty. Additionally, we encourage you to take advantage of the many co-curricular initiatives which include club activities, sponsored programs, and research/internship opportunities, to name a few.
We welcome you to be a part of this exciting and challenging learning environment as you work toward your goal of becoming an engineer. Please explore the website to learn more about the program and to seek answers to some of the more frequently asked questions. I wish you much success and happy browsing!
Dr. Cynthia Lester
Chair, Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Dr. Anant Honkan
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]
Dr. Taylor McLachlan Shapero
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]
Dr. Sahithya Reddivari
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]
Dr. Lei Gu
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
[email protected]
Georgia Southern FAQs
What is the process of transfer to Georgia Southern through R.E.P.?
- Complete all required courses for the appropriate major. See link for required courses below.
- 2.5 GPA in Overall, Math, and Science.
- “C” or better in all STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
- Complete application through GA Future
- Apply for admission during the application filing period for the semester the student wishes to transfer. See application deadlines link below
- No more than 2 required courses left in last semester prior to transfer. See required courses link below
- Recommendation from R.E.P. Coordinator at first Institution- Georgia Southern will request
Application deadlines: http://admissions.georgiasouthern.edu/deadlines/
Required courses: http://ceit.georgiasouthern.edu/degrees/repp/repp_course_requirements/
Application Instructions: http://ceit.georgiasouthern.edu/degrees/repp/rep-transfer-to-gsu-requirements/
What are the high demand majors in engineering?
All engineering majors are considered as the high-demand majors.
What engineering bachelor’s degrees does Georgia Southern offer?
- Civil engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Refer to: http://ceit.georgiasouthern.edu/degrees/undergraduate/
What are the deadlines for the application per semester?
Deadlines are updated annually. See the link below for deadlines for current years. Refer to: http://admissions.georgiasouthern.edu/deadlines/
How to apply?
Submit an application to KSUGeorgia Southern online at GAFutures.org. This requires completing the application and submitting with an application fee.
Kennesaw State University FAQs
What is the process of transfer to KSU through R.E.P.?
- Complete appropriate courses for the major of choice as given in the curriculum chart (Attached below)
- Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) and a GPA in math and science courses of 2.7 or above to be eligible for Engineering Standing (ES). KSU accepts all transfer students who meet the minimum requirements for transfer. So, if a student has not completed all the courses or does not have a 2.7 in the outlined courses, they are admitted but the 2.7 is required for Engineering Standing. ES is required for most engineering 3xxxand 4xxx level courses.
- Apply to KSU as a regular transfer student
- KSU Transfer services: http://transfer.kennesaw.edu/how-transfers/transfer-students.php
What is Engineering Standing?
In order to enroll in upper division engineering courses (course numbers in the 3000’s and 4000’s) at KSU, students must apply for and be granted Engineering Standing. Eligibility requirements Engineering Standing.
- Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) and a GPA in math and science courses of 2.7 or above
- Complete all required courses for your major of interest (See course list below). If you have two courses remaining you may be eligible for a conditional engineering standing. Contact your coordinator to assess your eligibility.
- Submit Engineering Standing application to your department at KSU after being accepted to KSU and registering for an Orientation. Pre-approved Engineering Standing will greatly expedite the class registration process.
- If you have successfully completed Perimeter College’s REP requirements for transfer to KSU, you will be automatically eligible to apply for engineering standing.
What are the high demand majors in engineering?
All engineering majors are considered as the high-demand majors.
What engineering bachelor’s degrees does KSU offer?
- Civil engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Construction Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
What are the deadlines for the application per semester?
Deadlines are updated annually. See the link below for deadlines for current years.
Refer to: http://admissions.kennesaw.edu/deadlines.php
How to apply?
- Submit an application to KSU online at GAFutures. This requires completing the application and submitting with a $40 application fee.
- Submit official college transcripts from any college previously attended. If you are enrolled at the time of application, request a transcript showing any work prior to the current term to be sent before the KSU admission deadline, and also request a final transcript at the end of the term.
Refer to: http://transfer.kennesaw.edu/how-transfers/transfer-students.php
What are Perimeter College’s requirements to accomplish before applying for KSU?
- Complete appropriate courses for the major of choice as given in the curriculum chart (Attached below)
- Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) and a GPA in math and science courses of 2.7 or above to be eligible for engineering standing
Does KSU include my failed grades?
The cumulative transfer GPA for admission eligibility is calculated on all academic work attempted from all institutions attended. If a course is repeated both grades are calculated.
What is the difference between regular transfer and R.E.P. transfer to KSU?
No difference in terms of course requirements and application process. KSU gives you the option of taking lower level courses at Perimeter giving you the advantage of smaller classes and lower tuition. You may transfer to KSU at any point and complete your lower level classes at KSU as well.
GSU-PC & KSU courses by major?
Mercer FAQs
Georgia State University - Perimeter College & Mercer courses by major?
What is the process of applying and transferring to UGA?
There is no special transfer process for REP students. Students apply to UGA as a regular transfer students. After admission/transfer to UGA, once they meet the minimum requirements for engineering majors, they will apply for one of the engineering majors. For the details, you may refer to these websites:
UGA REP website http://engineering.uga.edu/admissions/undergraduate/rep/
- Regular transfer application https://www.admissions.uga.edu/prospective-students/transfer/
- High-Demand Majors application http://engineering.uga.edu/academics/admissions-process/
Why is admission into a specific major not included with admission as a UGA student?
Engineering at UGA is in high demand. They only allow students to pursue these majors based on review of your scores in select course work in addition to completion of a Personal Statement of Purpose.
What are the high demand majors in engineering?
All engineering majors are considered as the high-demand majors. You can verify this for yourself by reading the description for your major available through bulletin.uga.edu
What engineering bachelor’s degrees does UGA offer?
Agricultural, Biochemical, Biological, Civil, Computer Systems, Electrical & Electronics, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering
Refer to: http://engineering.uga.edu/undergraduate-degrees
What are the deadlines for the application per semester?
- Spring semester: August 15
- Summer semester: March 1
- Fall semester: April 1
The deadlines above are for regular transfer applicants. For high-demand-major application, students need to refer to the deadlines addressed in the website http://engineering.uga.edu/academics/admissions-process that are annually updated.
How to apply?
Students must submit the regular transfer admission application form [link to: <https://apply.uga.edu/apply/] along with a recommendation form from the REP coordinator.
What are the UGA criteria for transfer students?
Complete 30-59 college credit hours from PC after high school.
- Have one completed college course in math and/or laboratory science.
- A 3.20 or higher calculated transfer GPA.
- Must meet the UGA admission requirements at the time of application.
Refer to: https://www.admissions.uga.edu/prospective-students/transfer/
What are Perimeter College’s requirements to accomplish before applying for UGA?
Complete 30 credit hours from PC after high school or transfer from another college level institute.
When I transfer to UGA, will I be able to immediately apply to be in my engineering major?
The answer to this question depends on which engineering major you choose to pursue at UGA and which courses you completed at Perimeter College before transfer. For some engineering majors, the barrier to entry into that major requires classes that Perimeter College doesn’t offer. Please see the question below for more details on what is required to be admitted into each engineering major.
What are UGA’s admission requirements for engineering majors?
Students may indicate their first, second, and third choices for their engineering major, although listing a second and third alternate is not required. Students will be selected based on their grades in the following three areas:
General Education Coursework (30%)
- MATH 2250 (at Perimeter College: MATH 2211)
- MATH 2260 (at Perimeter College: MATH 2212)PHYS 1211 or PHYS 1251 (at Perimeter College: PHYS 2211)
- ENGL 1101 (at Perimeter College: ENGL 1101)
Major Specific Coursework (40%)
For Agricultural, Civil, Environmental or Mechanical Engineering
- ENGR 1120 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- ENGR 1140 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)ENGR 2120 (at Perimeter College: ENGR 2605)
For Biological or Biochemical Engineering
- BIOL 1107 & BIOL 1107L (at Perimeter College: BIOL 2107 & BIOL2107L)
- CHEM 1212 & CHEM 1212L (at Perimeter College: CHEM 1212 & CHEM1212L)
- ENGR 2120 (at Perimeter College: ENGR 2605)
For Computer Systems Engineering
- CSEE 2220 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- CSEE 2210 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- CSCI 1302 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
For Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- CSEE 2220 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- ELEE 1030 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
- ENGR 2170 (no equivalent at Perimeter College, must be completed at UGA)
Personal Statement of Purpose (30%)
Explain your interest in engineering and describe your experience with engineering as well as your ultimate career goal and the way that enables you to reach the goal.
Note that the above criteria are minimum application requirements and do not guarantee acceptance to any major in the college of engineering.
Refer to: http://engineering.uga.edu/academics/admissions-eligibility
Does UGA include my failed grades?
Yes. They calculate transfer GPA along with D’s, F’s and WF’s from every college you have attended. If a course is repeated, they use both grades. Refer to: https://www.admissions.uga.edu/prospective-students/transfer
What does it mean by “they have equal access to engineering majors” on the UGA’s R.E.P. website states?
Students who have transferred to UGA as traditional applicants or after following a R.E.P. pathway are treated the same as the students who entered UGA as freshmen. As a R.E.P. student you can apply to high demand majors at UGA; participate in the co-op program; and attend UGA campus tours, information sessions, and meetings with advisors in your engineering major once a year.
For more FAQs
Georgia Tech FAQs
Incoming and New Students
What is R.E.P.?
R.E.P. stands for: Regents’ Engineering Pathways. It was established by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia primarily to expand the availability of engineering education opportunities for Georgians. Students complete two or more years of engineering pathway courses at University System of Georgia institutions, including Georgia State University, and then transfer to Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Southern University, Kennesaw State University, Mercer University or the University of Georgia. You may have seen it called REPP, REP, RETP, or RTP elsewhere.
For students seeking to complete an engineering degree at Georgia Tech, what are the advantages to beginning your engineering studies at Perimeter College?
- Ability to transfer easily to Georgia Tech with a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher (see GPA requirements posted later in FAQs)* Fewer students in each class at Perimeter College
- More personalized attention
- Courses taught by experienced professor
- Additional resources for under-represented groups
- Availability of an AS degree, not just in engineering, but in other disciplines as well
Additional advantages include the following:
- Tutoring and academic support in math through programs like Math, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) and the STEM Lab
- Meeting Georgia Tech advisors in the engineering field of choice before transfer
- Early advisement at Georgia Tech before transfer
- Being part of Georgia State’s growing REP community of students at Georgia Tech.
Why is the list of courses and requirements Georgia Tech shows on their website for R.E.P. students different from the one shown on Perimeter College R.E.P. webpage?
The list shown on Georgia Tech’s website (http://ceed.gatech.edu/admissions-requirements) is a minimum requirement as a R.E.P. student. Perimeter College requires additional coursework to be eligible for our R.E.P. recommendation. Thus, there are institutional (Perimeter College) requirements and transfer institution (Georgia Tech) requirements for R.E.P.. BOTH must be satisfied to be eligible for a R.E.P. recommendation from Perimeter College.
Can I apply as a regular transfer after I enroll in Perimeter College R.E.P.?
Yes, you may apply to Tech as regular transfer student any time when you satisfy their qualifications.
If I do not get admission as a regular transfer student can I come back and continue R.E.P. coursework and apply to Georgia Tech as an R.E.P. student?
Yes, you can re-apply to Georgia Tech with or without R.E.P..
Course Selection
Can I take Perimeter College online courses to satisfy Georgia Tech R.E.P. course requirements?
We recommend you take all classes on campus, not online. There are several courses that you are not allowed to take online to qualify to transfer. Here is what a note on the transfer equivalency page of Georgia Tech says:
“Currently, on-line versions of all Lab Science courses, International Affairs, Psychology, Economics and courses equivalent to HIST 2111 and HIST 2112 are not eligible for transfer credit consideration. In most cases mathematics are not eligible for consideration unless sufficient documentation is provided to show the course exams are proctored. If you are interested in taking the on-line versions of mathematics courses that meet this requirement,
or have questions regarding this policy, please contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.”
https://oscar.gatech.edu/pls/bprod/wwsktrna.P_find_location Other questions on how classes are evaluated for transfer are answered on this site as well.
Do I need to have a second Chemistry course?
CHEM 1212 and 1212L are optional for some majors at Georgia Tech. However, as part of REP, you are required you to complete both CHEM 1211 and 1212 with their lab components at Perimeter College. Again, you must complete the REP requirements at both Perimeter College and Georgia Tech to transfer through REP.
Should I take Dynamics or Electrical Circuits?
We recommend all students take Dynamics unless you intend to major in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering students should take Electrical Circuits.
Are there any restrictions on which classes I can take in my last semester at Perimeter College?
Often, yes! We’re glad you asked. In the semester before you transfer to Georgia Tech, you must have already successfully completed all or all but 1-2 of Georgia Tech’s REP requirements if you are applying for Spring or Summer admissions (that is, the requirements listed here: http://ceed.gatech.edu/admissions-requirements).
For example, let’s look at two possible schedules for a student planning to major in Electrical Engineering. If you are applying to start at Georgia Tech in Spring, and the Fall term is your last at Perimeter College, you might sign up for the following courses:
Option 1 (this is an acceptable schedule Fall schedule when applying for Spring)
- Differential Equations
- Electrical Circuits
- Linear Algebra
- Computing Fundamentals for Engineers
Option 2 (this is NOT an acceptable Fall schedule when applying for Spring)
- Differential Equations
- Electrical Circuits
- Linear Algebra
- Physics II & L
Only 1-2 of Georgia Tech’s required REP courses can be in progress in the semester before transfer. Please note: Option 2 is an acceptable Spring term schedule if you are applying for Fall term admissions, but not if you are applying for Summer term admissions.
How many credits can I transfer to Georgia Tech? Is there a limit?
All collegiate level courses stated in areas A through F are acceptable for transfer. The average number of transfer credits by REP students to Georgia Tech is 72 credit hours as of Fall 2015. You must complete all coursework required for graduation in a specific field of engineering at Georgia Tech.
Transfer Process Questions
When do I need to decide on my major for Georgia Tech?
It’s a good idea to try to decide this early on in your studies at Perimeter College. We will likely ask you this question when you come in for your REP meetings. Nonetheless, so long as you have completed all REP requirements from both Georgia Tech and Perimeter College, you can delay your final major selection until you submit your transfer application to Georgia Tech. Please keep your REP coordinator informed if you decide to change majors within engineering or to another field.
When you apply to Georgia Tech, you will be able to list a secondary choice for major at Georgia Tech. Should you choose a non-engineering secondary major, you would be evaluated for that major as a regular transfer student, not as an REP Program student.
Please note that Georgia Tech has divided the requirements by major. Check the major admission requirements http://ceed.gatech.edu/admissions-requirements to make sure you satisfy those requirements listed for any major you apply to.
When do I apply to Georgia Tech for admission to the College of Engineering?
You need to apply one semester before you complete the coursework. The current deadlines are: September 15 for spring, January 15 for summer, and March 5 for fall term admissions
How do I indicate to Georgia Tech that I am applying as an R.E.P. student?
On your admissions application, be sure to indicate (in the appropriate selection box) that you are enrolled in a partnership program, R.E.P.. The Perimeter College R.E.P. coordinators will then be contacted and will complete and submit their evaluation before the document deadline.
On my Georgia Tech admissions application, there are two prompts for essays. Do I need to write these?
Yes. Georgia Tech performs a holistic review of all applicants, including those in transfer partnerships such as REP. They expect you to complete the application in full.
The application allows me to request a letter of recommendation. Can I request one from a R.E.P. coordinator since I’m applying as a R.E.P. student?
No, Perimeter College’s R.E.P. coordinators will only submit the R.E.P. Recommendation Form to Georgia Tech for R.E.P. applicants and will not write individual letters of recommendation to Georgia Tech for R.E.P. students due to the sheer volume of requests for such letters. The R.E.P. Recommendation Form that your coordinator will submit on your behalf includes an area for comments where we may briefly include personalized recommendations to the Georgia Tech admissions team. R.E.P. coordinators automatically complete this section and you do not need to ask your R.E.P. coordinator to fill it out. This form does not count as your one optional letter of recommendation.
From whom should I request a letter of recommendation?
Georgia Tech states that they will accept one (1) recommendation from a faculty member of your choice. The recommendation is not required by Georgia Tech and absence of such a recommendation will not impact your application review. Should you, as a REP applicant, choose to request a recommendation, please make your request of a faculty member who knows you well and who is not a REP coordinator.
I’ve submitted my GT application, and Buzzport has a red X mark next to “R.E.P. Recommendation Form.” Is this something I need to submit or why do I not see a green check mark? Is this a problem?
This part of your application will be submitted by a R.E.P. coordinator before the document deadline for your application. It is not something you submit, and your R.E.P. coordinator will likely wait until the last week before the document deadline to submit it. It is not a problem. If the document deadline passes and it is still marked as missing, feel free to check in with us, and we will check on the current status and confirm that it is in processing.
What are the GPA requirements for R.E.P.?
All GPA requirements must be met at the Georgia Tech document deadline for applications. GPA requirements to transfer from Perimeter College for all College of Engineering majors are currently:
- 3.3 GPA cumulative
- 3.3 GPA combined for mathematics (Calc I and up) and lab science courses
If you are on our internal “grandfathered-in students list” which was only available to students officially in RETP in Fall 2015 or earlier, then your GPA requirements still depend on your major. If you think you might have been on this list (it required you to fill out a form in Fall 2016) and want to double check, you may ask your R.E.P. coordinator.
Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Industrial, and Chemical & Biomolecular engineering majors:
- 3.3 GPA cumulative
- 3.3 GPA combined for mathematics (Calc I and up) and lab science courses
All other engineering majors:
- 3.2 GPA cumulative
- 3.2 GPA combined for mathematics (Calc I and up) and lab science courses
Is it possible the GPA requirement changes between when I start(ed) R.E.P. at Perimeter College and when I apply to Georgia Tech?
This is possible since Georgia Tech reviews those criteria on a regular basis because of intense competition for admission in the College of Engineering. Aim for the highest you can get! You’ll be subject to Georgia Tech’s GPA requirements at the time of transfer.
Can I retake courses to improve my GPA?
If you have a C in any course then repeating it and getting a new grade makes no difference to Georgia Tech. Your original grade stands as the only one for that course in your GPA. However if you have a D or F then you have to get a C or better. Your GPA must be 3.3 in Math/Science and 3.3 (major dependent) overall. ALL collegiate level courses are taken into account (repeated or not) to determine your GPA.
I’d like to pursue a popular major, but am just barely able to meet the 3.3 GPA requirement. Can I just apply to Georgia Tech for a different major or list it as a backup secondary major choice and then try to change majors or take classes in my preferred major after I’m admitted?
It is extremely rare for a transfer student to be able to change majors at Georgia Tech, especially into one that is higher in demand (Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Industrial, and Chemical & Biomolecular) because they are the most in-demand majors. You must stay in a specific major for at least 1 semester before a request could be considered. It is impossible to register for classes that are not required for your current major at Georgia Tech due to enrollment limitations in place at Georgia Tech. Should you not be admitted to your major of choice, we encourage you to make the most of the major you are admitted to – Georgia Tech has found that the jobs their alumni are working 5 years after graduation are almost completely unrelated to the specific engineering field their degree is in. Many employers often just care to hire employees who have a Georgia Tech degree, not necessarily one in a specific major.
What are my options if my GPA is just below the cutoff?
Because of the competitiveness at Georgia Tech, exceptions to GPA requirements cannot be made. You may use REP to transfer to one of the other 4 partner REP engineering institutions or you may transfer to Georgia State University’s Atlanta campus in downtown Atlanta and pursue a Bachelor’s degree in science, computer science, math, or another field.
After I apply, can I delay transferring to Georgia Tech?
No. Georgia Tech states: applications and offers of admission are specific to the term for which the application was submitted. To instead be considered for admission in a future term it will be necessary to submit a new application for that term.
Do all science classes count towards my math/science GPA?
Only lab sciences count towards the math/science GPA. For example, you could take a biochemistry course, but because it does not have a lab component, it will not count towards your math/science grade. The lab sciences that do count include those that are transferrable to Georgia Tech.
What classes count towards my cumulative GPA?
All collegiate level courses with grades A-F or WF that are transferrable to Georgia Tech are counted in your cumulative GPA (excluding repeats of courses previous passed (C or higher)).
Why does Georgia Tech not guarantee admissions to R.E.P. partnership students? What are the most common reasons a student may be denied admissions through R.E.P.?
Students who are denied admissions through R.E.P. often have required non-U.S. coursework that was accepted by Perimeter College but is not accepted by Georgia Tech. Unfortunately, it is often impossible to catch this until Georgia Tech reviews the admissions application.
Many times, students are not admitted because they fail to complete the application to Georgia Tech in full! Be sure you fully complete the application.
Other instances are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may include students who try to raise their math/science GPA by taking extra science courses that are unrelated to their major.
Students with AP Credit or Previous College Coursework
Do AP classes count in my GPA calculations?
If an eligible course is listed on your Perimeter College transcript with a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) associated with it, it will count towards your GPA calculations for REP.
My AP credits are listed with an “S” rather than a letter grade. Is that okay?
Yes, because Perimeter College has given you credit, Georgia Tech will honor that credit for an AP that you’ve received at Perimeter College. Because there is no A-F letter grade associated with it, the “S” will not be counted in your GPA calculations.
How many R.E.P. courses must I take at Perimeter College to be eligible to transfer to Georgia Tech through R.E.P. from Perimeter College?
Georgia Tech requires you to complete at least 30 credit hours of English, mathematics, lab science, and engineering course requirements (which vary by major) at Perimeter College. These 30 credit hours must be completed post high school graduation. Let’s take a look at how to add these up (any courses not listed here do not count toward the 30 hour requirement):
Course | Credit Hours (at GSU-PC and or GPC) | Hours Counted Towards 30 hr Requirement (see notes for numbers in parentheses item limitations) |
ENGL 1101 | 3 | 3 |
ENGL 1102 | 3 | 3 |
MATH 2211 | 4 | 4 |
MATH 2212 | 4 | 4 |
MATH 2215 | 4 | 4 |
MATH 2641 | 3 | 3 |
MATH 2652 | 4 | 41 |
CHEM 1211&1211L or 1211K | 4 | 4 |
CHEM 1211&1211L or 1211K | 4 | 4 |
PHYS 2211&2211L or 2211K | 4 | 4 |
PHYS 2212&2212L or 2212K | 4 | 4 |
BIOL 2107&2107L or 2107K | 4 | 42 |
CSC 1301 | 4 | 43 |
ENGR 1671 | 3 | 33 |
ENGR 1211 & 1212 | 6 | 34 |
ENGR 2040 | 3 | 35 |
ENGR 2605 | 3 | 36 |
ENGR 2606 | 3 | 37 |
1While required by all Perimeter College REP students, credit for MATH 2652 does not count toward the 30 hour requirement for Industrial and Systems Engineering majors (all other majors may count it).
2BIOL 2107 with lab counts towards the 30 hour requirement for Environmental and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering majors only.
3CSC 1301 counts towards the 30 hour requirement for Industrial and Systems Engineering majors only. This course must be completed Perimeter College students pursuing this major. ENGR 1671 counts towards the 30 hour requirement for all majors except Industrial and Systems Engineering majors.
4ENGR 1211 and 1212 counts toward the 30 hour requirement for the following majors only: Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil.
5ENGR 2040 counts toward the 30 hour requirement for the following majors only: Computer, Electrical.
6ENGR 2605 counts toward the 30 hour requirement for the following majors only: Mechanical, Nuclear and Radiological, Aerospace, Civil, Environmental, Materials Science, Biomedical.
7ENGR 2606 counts toward the 30 hour requirement for the following majors only: Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil, Environmental.
I am a returning student with some credit that is over 10 years old. Can I still use that credit?
Credit for course work completed 10 or more years ago may require a petition to the registrar to be considered.
I am a returning student and didn’t do so well when I tried college for the first time (in the U.S. or abroad), and so I have a low GPA from that. Since returning to school, I’ve done well, but my GPA is still low due to the past. Is R.E.P. a possibility for me?
The GPA requirements must include ALL collegiate level credit (excluding repeats for courses previously passed) that is transferable to Georgia Tech. You cannot be considered if your GPA does not meet Georgia Tech’s requirements.
Engineering students are welcome in Perimeter College’s student clubs. Club activities are advantageous for students by joining a large community as well as practicing engineering related skills. Many REP students are active in one or more of the following student clubs:
Clarkston Computing and Engineering Club (CLACEC)
Dunwoody Engineering Club
Contact: Dr. Le Gu [email protected]
Women in STEM Experience (WiSE)
“While at Perimeter College, I gained the study skills necessary to succeed in the rigorous curriculum at Georgia Tech. More than that, I was able to transfer into Tech with study mates that are in the same discipline as me. This built-in study group has made homework and test prep significantly easier. Some of the other transfer students I have meet here don’t have that luxury. Also while at Perimeter, I was able to participate in a national engineering competition which prepared me for the high pressure situations that come with presenting projects and research in front of faculty and staff. I cannot suggest R.E.P. enough in preparation for transferring to an engineering program.”
– Brian Mull
“I had already attempted to transfer to Georgia Tech unsuccessfully before signing up for R.E.P. because I had only learned about it shortly before. I was concerned only with the transfer requirements until I had started working on finishing the RETP program. Of course, even though it’s valuable to have sophomore engineering course on your record, I can say certainly that it’s not just about completing the work. The engineering classes that are required by the transfer program will help you see how connected all of your maths and sciences are to solving real-world problems, and give you an appreciation for the knowledge and support of your peers and seniors.”
– Thanath Savang
“I have now been accepted in to Georgia Institute of Technology through the R.E.P. program. I thought it would be extremely competitive and difficult to get into the one of the Nation’s top Engineering school such as Tech. The existence of the R.E.P. at GSU, Perimeter College brings with it many advanced Maths and Engineering courses (Dynamics, Electric. Circuits, …) at Perimeter, which allow me to prove to the schools I apply for transfer admission, my capability and potential. In addition to Tech, I have also been accepted into two other top engineering schools: University of Illinois, Urbana Campaign and Texas A&M University, College Station. I believe anyone who work hard and complete the rigorous requirements of R.E.P. programs will be able to get into a school of his/her dream.”
– Peter Mang
“As a brand-new transfer student at Georgia Tech, my classes started out by immediately utilizing skills that I previously learned before transferring. For example, at Perimeter College I took ENGR-1671-Computing Fundamentals for Engineers, where I was given the opportunity to learn how to make a graphical user interphase with MatLab. At Georgia Tech, I am taking ME-2016-Computing Techniques, where our first assignment was to make a graphical user interphase that displays trajectories of a dart hitting a falling target at a velocity and angle chosen by the user. There have been many other instances like this where I had to use knowledge gained from Perimeter College allowing me to start out strong at Georgia Tech. It has been exciting to have gotten into Georgia Tech thanks to the Reagents Engineering Pathways Program, and thanks to the awesome professors at GSU Perimeter College.”
– Bryan Starbuck
2017 Perimeter College graduate
Mechanical Engineering student at Georgia Tech