Tiffany Flowers
Assistant Professor Cultural and Behavioral Sciences- Education
Ph.D. Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of Iowa
M.A. Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education, University of Iowa
M.A.T. Early Childhood Education, Virginia Commonwealth University
B.S. Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Specializations
• Urban Education
• Family Literacy
• African American Literacy Development
• Field Placement
• Children’s and Young Adult Literature
• The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Biography
Dr. Tiffany A. Flowers is a multidisciplinary researcher with a background in early childhood education, curriculum and instruction, psychology, social, philosophical, and historical foundations of education, teaching and learning, and language, literacy, and culture. Using a variety of research methods, Dr. Flowers investigates educational policy, contemporary and historical curriculum issues, and equity within literacy. Her research also focuses on cultural contexts, community engagement, pedagogical concerns, and issues related to families. Through this multifaceted research focus, Tiffany conducts a variety of inquiries into areas such as family literacy, children’s and young adult literature, African American literacy development, field placement, urban education, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
- Recognitions and Awards
- ALER Judy Richardson Literacy as a Living Legacy Award, 2023
- Recognition of 10 Years of Service, Georgia State University Perimeter College, 2021
- Recognition of 5 Years of Service, Georgia State University Perimeter College, 2016
- NCTE Early Career Educator of Color Leadership Award, NCTE, 2014
- Committees and Organizations
- Committee Member. Children’s Literature Association, Communications Committee, August 2021-June 2024, (Appointed Position with a 3-Year Term).
- Committee Member. Children’s Literature Association, Book Award Committee, June 2021-June 2024, (Elected Position with a 3-Year Term).
- Division Co-Chair. Association for Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER) Teaching and Learning in the Early Childhood/Elementary Classroom, 2019-2024.
- Committee Chair. Association for Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER) Legislative and Social Issues Committee, 2019-2024.
- Committee Member. Literacy Research Association, The Diversity, Equity, and Justice Standing Committee, January 2023-December 2024.
- Committee Chair. Literacy Research Association, Ethnicity, Race, and Multilingualism Committee, November 2021-December 2024.
- Publications
Academic Textbooks
- Harrison, D., Flowers, T.A. (2023). Composing, print, digital, and multimodal texts in the classroom (preliminary edition). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
- Flowers, T. A., Harrison, D. (2022). Culture, language, and humanizing practices in 21st century classrooms. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
- Flowers, T. A., Harrison, D. (2022). Investigating critical and contemporary issues in education. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
Anthology - Flowers, T. A., Smith, H. (2024). Beyond the Basics: Children’s Literature for the Elementary Teacher (first edition). San Diego, CA: Cognella.
Edited Book Collection - Flowers, T. A. (2023). Foundations in Urban Education: Key Issues. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Flowers, T. A. (2023). Leadership and Policy in Urban Education: Key Issues. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Guest Blog Posts
- Flowers, T. A., Kirkland-Holmes, G. (2021). The African American Read-In Celebration at the University of Northern Iowa Marks its 15th Anniversary. NCTE Blog.
- Flowers, T. A., Harrison, D. (2020). Family literacy matters. NCTE Blog.
- Flowers, T. A., Harrison, D. (2020). Family literacy matters. NCTE Blog.
- Flowers, T. A. (2020). Build your stack: Affirming the diversity of Black hair. NCTE Blog.
- Flowers, T. A. (2020). Grassroots Community Engagement Initiatives for African American Literacy Development. NCTE Blog.
- Flowers, T. A. (2019). Name writing and diversity. International Literacy Association, Literacy Daily.
Peer-Reviewed Research Article
- Flowers, T. A. (2023). Establishing a university-partnership model to #EliminateBookDeserts in urban communities. Community Development, 1-10.
Book Chapters
- Flowers, T. A. (2024). Using a historical lens to examine agency in Mother of the Sea. In Hinton, K., Chandler, K.M., Teaching black speculative fiction equity, justice, and antiracism. New York: Routledge.
- Flowers, T. A., Berry, E. B. (January 2019). Black girls learning to read through representation. In G.K. Holmes, Child, Families, and Schools (pp. 99-104). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
- Flowers, T.A. (2022). Eliminating book deserts through community engagement. Journal of Research Initiatives.
Peer-Reviewed Essay
- Flowers, T. A. (2022). A critical call for research about the literacy access of Black incarcerated youth. Journal of Language and Literacy in Education: Scholars Speak Out Series.
- Flowers, T. A. (June/July, 2020). What if? Imagining a world without book deserts. International Literacy Association, Literacy Today.
- Flowers, T. A. (October, 2019). 7 Picture books about Black father figures. School Library Journal.
- Flowers, T. A. (2019). #EliminatingBookDeserts through social action. International Literacy Association, Literacy Today.