Stephanie Langston
Lecturer Humanities- Education
The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
● Master of Education in Foreign Language Education
● Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
● Bachelor of Arts in JournalismStudy Abroad
Forester Institute, San José, Costa Rica
● Semester of Spanish graduate courseworkThe University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
● Semester of Spanish undergraduate coursework
- Specializations
Sra. Langston specializes in curriculum development of specific-purpose Spanish. She also specializes in teaching online foreign language instructions strategies and best practices to other professors around the country and also does technology trainings for online foreign language resources.
- Biography
Stephanie Langston is a Lecturer of Spanish at Georgia State University, Perimeter College. She teaches face-to-face, hybrid and fully online classes. She leads Spanish instructor trainings for all campuses of Perimeter College and was the first Spanish Instructor to teach online for the college. She also taught for the Georgia Institute of Technology and Oxford College of Emory University. Her degrees are from the University of Georgia and she also studied in Salamanca, Spain and in San José, Costa Rica. She has created Continuing Education programs used by the University of Georgia, the Florida College of Advanced Judicial Studies, AMN Healthcare, the National Pharmacy Technician Association, and the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists. She also led the development of 200 hours of Spanish curriculum customized for the Immigration and Customs Enforcements Agents of the Department of Homeland Security.
She lives in Monroe, GA with her husband, Chris, her son, Emery, and her daughter, Maya (both adopted from Bogotá, Colombia). They are active in their church and are avid travelers (47 countries and counting). She enjoys swimming, biking, singing, dancing, doing triathlons, playing the piano and playing tennis. She is also an adrenaline junky and has talked her husband into hang gliding in Rio, paragliding in Austria, skydiving in the U.S. and scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. She has had the honor of being on the radio in Costa Rica (a singing promotion for a national station and for an interview of international students) and of being on television in Spain (as part of an interview of international visitors during the Corpus Cristi festivities in Toledo). Her most pressing current challenge is keeping the peace between two children who are diametrically opposed.
- Recognitions and Awards
o Recipient of the “Excellence in Course Design & Teaching” Award from the University of Georgia’s Institute of Continuing
Judicial Education
o Recipient of the "Quality Spanish Website Award" from
o Nominated for “Outstanding Distance Learning” Award at Georgia Perimeter College
- Committees and Organizations
● Foreign Language Association of Georgia
● The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO)
● SLOAN-C Consortium on Online Learning
● The Atlanta Association of Interpreters and Translators (AAIT)
● The Newton International Advisory Council
● The Newton Daffodil Festival Committee
- Publications
Pharmacy Spanish
Spanish for the Courts