Paulos Yohannes
Professor Associate Dean Physical Sciences- Education
Ph.D. (1986): University of Kansas.
M.S. (1980): Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
B. Pharm. (1976): Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
- Specializations
Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Biography
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Dr. Paulos Yohannes is Associate Dean of Science at Perimeter College of Georgia State University. He has taught chemistry courses for more than two decades and his research experiences include identification and characterization of medicinal plants, metal ion mediate hydrolysis of nucleotides, interaction of anticancer drugs with DNA and protein pharmaceutics.
Invited Seminars
Drug Development and Interaction of Pt Anticancer Drugs with DNA – College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia – July 3- 19, 2015.
Phosphate Biochemistry – Catholic University of Salta, Argentina – May 2007
Short Course – Pharmaceutical Biotechnology – Univ. of South Africa – May 26 – June 20, 2005
Platinum anticancer Drugs – Univ. of South Africa –June 2, 2005
Phosphate Biochemistry – Univ. of South Africa – June 8, 2005
Dephosphorylation of Nucleotides using Polyammonium Macrocycles and Cobalt complexes, Nov 5, 2003. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Mercer Univ. Atlanta, GA
DNA Hairpin Formation in Adducts With Platinum Anticancer Drugs, Glaxo Pharmaceutical Company, Raleigh, NC, April, 1991.
- Recognitions and Awards
2007 USG-Chancellor’s Award – Faculty development seminar in Argentina.
2003 NISOD Excellence Award in Teaching and Service
2002 Cole Fellow Award - GPC
2001 President's Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award – GPC
1998 President's Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award – GPC
1986 Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society
1983 Phi Lambda Upsilon Honorary Chemical Society
1982 H. P. Cady Award for Outstanding First Year Graduate Student, University of Kansas.
- Publications
Application of Tzero Calibrated Modulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry to Characterize Model Protein Formulations, Aniket Badkar, Paulos Yohannes and Ajay Banga., International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 309, Issues 1-2, 17 February 2006, Pages 146-156
Cisplatin (cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2) and cis-[ Pt(NH3)2(H2O)2]2+ Intrastrand Cross-Linking Reactions at the Telomere GGGT DNA Sequence embedded in a duplex, Hairpin and a Bulged Duplex: Use of Mg2+ and Zn2+ to Convert a Hairpin to Bulged Duplex, Villanueva, JM, Jia, X, Yohannes, PG, Doestch, PW, and Marzilli, LG. Inorg. Chem. 1999, 38, 6069
Nucleotide Hydrolysis in the Presence of m-Hydroxo-bridged-Cobalt(III) Complexes. Yohannes PG, Martin P, Heppert, KE, James-Bowman, K. Supramolecular Chemistry, 1996, Vol.6, 307.
Purification and Properties of Redoxyendonuclease. Augeri L, Hamilton KK, Martin AM, Yohannes PG, and Doestch PW in Methods in Enzymology, Vol 234, Academic Press, 1994, 102.
DNA Hairpin Formation in Adducts with Platinum Anticancer Drugs: Gel Electrophoresis Provides New Information and a Caveat. Yohannes PG, Zon G, Doetsch PW, and Marzilli LG. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 5105.
Rapid Hydrolysis of ATP by Lanthanum(III) at pH 13. Yohannes PG and James-Bowman K. Inorg. Chim. Acta ,1993, 209, 115.
Platinum- Oligonucleotide Interactions: A model of Platinum Anticancer Drug DNA Interactions. Marzilli LG, Mukunudan S, Xu Y Zon G, Bergman A, Yohannes PG, and Reily M in Platinum and other Metal Coordination Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy; Howell SB., Plenum Press: New York, 1991, 101.
Solution Behavior and Complete 1H and 13C Assignments of the Coenzyme B12 Derivative, (5′-Deoxyadenosyl) Cobinamide Using Two-Dimensional NMR Experiments, Including 600 MHz 1H NMR data. Pagano TG, Yohannes PG, Scott J, Finke GR, and Marzilli LG. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1989, 111, 1484.