Lawton Brewer
Part-Time Instructor Instructor English- Education
Ph.D - English, GSU, 2011
MA - English, West Ga. College, 1979
BA - English, University of Georgia, 1976
AA - Young Harris College, 1974
- Specializations
Victorian Literature
American Realism/Naturalism
- Biography
I’ve taught English composition, technical writing, and literature for more than 20 years. In 2011, I obtained my doctorate from Georgia State University. After that, I published essays in Nineteenth Century Gender Studies and The Explicator, and I have performed several reviews for South Atlantic Review and Choice Reviews Online, a journal which serves academic libraries throughout the United States. As Associate Editor of The Explicator, I appraise essays for potential publication. I have been a full-time instructor at Georgia Northwestern Technical College and at the University of West Georgia and a college dean at several proprietary schools. I enjoy karaoke, exercise, reading, and spending time with Miley the Pug, Bounder the Lab, and Nickleby the Chihuahua.
- Recognitions and Awards
Graduate Writing Award, Georgia State University English Department, 2002. "Herrick
and Marvell in the Garden."
Graduate Teaching Assistant Writing Award 2003. "Werewolves of 'Malfi'.”
- Committees and Organizations
Associate Editor, “The Explicator”
Reviewer, “Choice Reviews Online”
MLA – Past member
NAVSA – Past Member
- Publications
“George Gissing’s Manifesto: The Odd Women and The Unclassed.” Nineteenth Century Gender Studies, Spring 2008. Web.
“Life After Pseudo-Death: William Beckford’s Vathek.” The Explicator 67.3 (2009): 170-172. Print.
“George Gissing and the Unconscious of War.” Between Memory and Mythology: The
Construction of Memory of Modern Wars, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015.
Rev. of Victorian Fetishism. South Atlantic Review. Fall 2010.
Rev. of Reading Edith Wharton Through a Darwinian Lens. South Atlantic Review.
Winter 2011.
Rev. of Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation. Choice Reviews Online, August,
Rev. of Out on Assignment. South Atlantic Review. Spring 2012.
Rev. of Evermore. Choice Reviews Online. September, 2012.
Rev. of The Child in British Literature. Choice Reviews Online. Oct. 2012.
Rev. of Kurt Vonnegut and the American Novel. Choice Reviews Online. Nov. 2012.
Rev. of Writing Arctic Disaster: Authorship and Exploration , Cambridge Studies in
Nineteenth-century Literature and Culture. Choice Reviews Online, Oct. 2016.
Rev. of Exquisite Masochism: Marriage, Sex, and the Novel Form. Choice Reviews
Online, Jan. 2017.
Other Reviews available by request – Choice Reviews Online