Joseph Bagley
Associate Professor History, Political Science- Education
PhD. in History, Georgia State University
M.A. in History, Auburn University
B.A. in History, Auburn University
- Specializations
Civil rights, voting rights, law, politics in 20th and 21st century United States history
- Biography
Dr. Bagley teaches the U.S. history survey, both World History surveys, and African American history. His researches civil and voting rights litigation and the role of law in shaping 20th and 21st century political transformations. His book, “The Politics of White Rights: Race, Justice, and Integrating Alabama’s Schools” was published in 2018 by the University of Georgia Press in the Politics and Culture of the Twentieth Century South series. He has been certified as an expert witness in federal court, testified and submitted reports for the court in multiple voting rights cases, including People First of Alabama v. Merrill (491 F. Supp. 3d 1076, N.D. Ala. 2020), Milligan v. Merrill (Jan. 24, 2022, N.D. Ala.), and South Carolina NAACP v. Alexander (D.S.C. 2022). Dr. Bagley’s work has been cited in the Case Western Law Review, the Journal of Urban History, Rural Sociology, the Alabama Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law Review, by Pulitzer Prize winner Nikole Hannah Jones in the New York Times Magazine, and on National Public Radio. His current projects include a book manuscript examining the politics of voting rights litigation in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina.
- Recognitions and Awards
John M. Matthews Distinguished Dissertation Award
- Committees and Organizations
Organization of American Historians
American Historical Association
Southern Historical Association
American Society of Legal History
- Publications
“The Politics of White Rights: Race, Justice, and Integrating Alabama’s Schools,” (University of Georgia Press, 2018),