Euguenia Novokshanova
Associate Professor English- Education
Ph.D. in English with emphasis on Rhetoric and Composition, GSU, 2023
M.S. and B.S. in Foreign Language and Teaching Thereof (English/German), Omsk State Pedagogical University, Russia, 1998
- Specializations
Multimodal Writing AI specialist
- Biography
Dr. Eugenia Novokshanova is an Associate Professor of English at Georgia State University, Perimeter College. She is a Multimodal Writing AI specialist, holding a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition from Georgia State University, where her focus was on multimodal writing studies. A Dean’s Fellow in Writing with AI, she has 25 years of experience teaching Freshman Composition and ESL at GSU. With a Master’s degree in Teaching English and German Languages from Omsk State Pedagogical University, Russia, she focused her early studies on how similarities in grammatical structures between a learner’s first and second languages influence second language acquisition. Collaborating with Dr. Kassorla on the “Multimodal AI Project,” Dr. Novokshanova investigates how integrating AI, multimodality, and digital writing tools into Freshman Composition courses at GSU affects student performance and perceptions of the writing process.
- Publications
- Jiang, N., Novokshanova, E., Masuda K., & Wang, X. (September 2011). Morphological Congruency and the Acquisition of L2 Morphemes. Language Learning, 61(3), pp. 940-967.