Dongjin Kim
Assistant Professor Computer Science & Engineering- Education
Ph.D. (2011) Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S. (2002) Kyungpook National University
B.S. (2000) Keimyung University
- Specializations
Teaching (Engineering courses)
* Introduction to Engineering
* Statics
* DynamicsResearch experience (utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics)
* Drinking/Waste water disinfection reactor design
* Virtual ADCP/ADA for channel flow
* Automotive torque converter design
- Biography
- Committees and Organizations
RETP (Regents’ Engineering Transfer Program) Coordinator
Journal of Environmental Engineering Reviewer
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Reviewer
- Publications
Flow, transport and disinfection performance in small- and full-scale contact tanks
Journal of Hydro-environment Research July 15, 2014
Authors: Athanasios Angeloudis, Thorsten Stoesser, Roger A. Falconer, Dongjin KimModelling of flow, transport and disinfection kinetics in contact tanks
ICE journal, February 2014
Authors: Athanasios Angeloudis, Thorsten Stoesser, Dongjin Kim, Roger A. FalconerThe effect of baffle spacing on hydrodynamics and solute transport in serpentine contact tanks
Journal of Hydraulic Research April 24, 2013
Authors: Dongjin Kim, Thorsten Stoesser, Jaehong KimModeling aspects of flow and solute transport simulations in water disinfection tanks
Applied Mathematical Modelling September 1, 2013
Authors: Dongjin Kim, Thorsten Stoesser, Jaehong KimLarge Eddy Simulation of Flow and Tracer Transport in Multichamber Ozone Contactors
Journal of Environmental Engineering June 17, 2009
Authors: Dongjin Kim, Dooil Kim, Jaehong Kim, Thorsten Stoesser