Armida Gilbert
Associate Professor English- Education
December, 1989 Doctor of Philosophy Summa Cum Laude
Major: American Literature
Minor: Nineteenth-Century British Literature
University of South Carolina
Dissertation: Emerson and the English Romantic Poets
Cited in:
Higgins, John Robert. Fossil Poetry, the Birth of Geology, and the Romantic Imagination, 1790-2860. Thesis, University of South Carolina, 2007.
O'Keefe, Richard R. Mythic Archetypes in Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Blakean Reading. Kent State University Press, 1995.
Mehring, Frank. Naturbilder in der Englischen und Amerikanischen Romantik. Die Deutsch Bibliotek, 2001.
Mehring, Frank. Sphere Melodies: Die Manifestation Transzendentalistischen Gedankenguts in der Musik der Avangardisten Charles Ives und John Cage. Verlag, 2003.
Myerson, Joel.”Ralph Waldo Emerson.” Prospects for the Study of American Literature: A Guide for Scholars and Students. Ed. Richard Kopley. New York University Press, 1997.
Nuckels, R. T. Visions of Light in the Poetry of William Blake and Emily Dickinson. Dissertation, University of North Texas, 1996.
Rucavado, Gina Francesca. Class Difference and the Struggle for Cultural Authority: Rereadings of Sedgwick, Emerson, Whitman and Hemingway. Dissertation, Brown University, 2010.December 1986. Master of Arts Magna Cum Laude
Major: American Literature
Minor: Nineteenth-Century British Literature
University of South Carolina
May 1976 Bachelor of Science Cum Laude
Major: Environmental Sciences
Minors: Women’s Studies and Film
University of South Carolina
- Specializations
American Literature
American Transcendentalism
Nineteenth Century Trans-Atlantic Romanticism
Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Biography
Armida Gilbert, English, received her Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina and has since taught at Kent State University, Auburn University, and Georgia Southern University, as well as at two-year colleges. Publications include Oxford University Press’ Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson and The Emerson Dilemma as well as American Literature, Byron Journal, Victorian Periodicals Review, Emerson Society Papers, and many reference volumes. Her works have received over 35 reviews and citations in scholarly works. She has presented papers at over two dozen professional conferences including several at Modern Language Association and American Literature Association conferences. In addition, she has received a grant from The National Endowment for the Humanities as well as teaching awards and has been nominated for International Woman of the Year.
- Recognitions and Awards
Research Grants
1995 Research Appointment for "Emerson and Women," Kent State University Research Council
1993 Kent State University Nominee for the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend for "Emerson and Women"
1992 National Endowment for the Humanities Travel To Collections Grant for Emerson and the English Romantic Poets
1992 Research Appointment for "Beautiful Enemies: Emerson's Essay on Thoreau," Kent State University Research Council
Teaching Awards
1995 Distinguished Teaching Award Nominee, Kent State University
1992 Distinguished Teaching Award Nominee, Kent State University
1992 Teaching Development Award for "Women Writers: A Course Proposal," Kent State University College of Arts and Sciences
Writing Awards
1987 W.T.C. Bates Research Fellowship for "Emerson and the English Romantic Poets"
1986 Outstanding Essay Award presented by Professional Women on Campus of University of South Carolina for "The Tao of Wordsworth: Eastern Mysticism in The Prelude"
1986 W.T.C. Bates Fellowship: Writing Competition in Literature for "'The Pain and Beauty': A Pattern of Mystical Experience in Cane”
Lifetime Achievement Award, Marquis Who's Who Publications, 2017
Who's Who Among American Teachers & Educators
Who's Who in America (Fifteen-Year Achievement Award)
Who's Who in American Education
Who's Who of American Women
Who's Who in the World
Twentieth Century Award For Achievement, International Biographic Centre, Cambridge, England
Nominated as International Woman of the Year, 2000/2001
Dictionary of International Biography
2000 Outstanding Scholars of the Twentieth Century
Outstanding People of the Twentieth Century
2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the Twentieth Century
Who's Who in the Midwest
- Committees and Organizations
Gateway to Completion Committee
Grade Appeals Committee for English A
Search Committees
Peer Review Committees
Women’s Studies Curriculum Committee, Spring 2016-Present
Creative License, Decatur Representative, 2014-Present
- Publications
“‘Pierced With the Thorns of Reform’: Emerson on Womanhood.” The Emerson Dilemma. Ed. Gregory T. Garvey (University of Georgia Press, 2001), pp. 93-114. Reprinted in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism Vol. 124 (Detroit: Gale Research, 2003). Archived in Literature Resource Center and other databases.
Cited in:
Albee, John.” Goethe’s Self-Culture.” In The Life and Genius of Goethe: Lectures at the Concord School of Philosophy. Ed. Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, Ticknor and Company, 1986, 37-67.
Andrain, Charles. Political Justice And Religious Values. Routledge, 2008.
Boyd, Anne E. Writing for Immortality: Women and the Emergence of High Literary Culture in America. JHU Press, 2010.
Brown, Florence Whiting. “Alcott and the Concord School of Philosophy.“ Transient and Permanent: The Transcendentalist Movement and its Contexts. Eds. Charles Capper and Conrad Edick Wright. Massachusetts Historical Society, 1999.
Earhart, Amy A. “Representative Men, Slave Revolt, and Emerson’s ‘Conversion’ to Abolitionism.” ATQ 13:4 (1999).
Gougeon, Len. “Emerson in 1903.” Nineteenth-Century Prose 30:1-2 (2003).
Keane, P. J. Emerson, Romanticism, and Intuitive Reason: The Transatlantic Light of All Our Day. University of Missouri Press, 2005,
Kovalainen, Heikki A. “Emersonian Self-Culture and Individual Growth.” Theories of Bildung and Growth. Sense Publishers, 2012. 183-197.
Mastroianni, Dominic.”Astonishing Politics: Emerson, Levinas, and Thinking beyond Virility.” Comparative Literature 66:3 (2014): 301-321.
Murphy, Jillmarie. “A National Icon.” Ralph Waldo Emerson in Context (2013): 283. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Nishio, Nanae. “Emerson and His Ideas of Social Reform: Evolution, Race, and Gender.” Dissertation, Tsuda College, 2013.
Richardson, Todd H. “Publishing the Cause of Suffrage: The Woman’s Journal’s Appropriation of Ralph Waldo Emerson in Postbellum America.” The New England Quarterly 79.4 (2006): 578-608.
Robbins, Paula Ivaska. The Royal Family of Concord: Samuel, Elizabeth, and Rockwood Hoar and Their Friendship with Ralph Waldo Emerson. Xlibris, 2003.
Robinson, David. The Political Emerson: Essential Writings on Politics and Social Reform. Volume 2 .Beacon Press, 2004.
Savage, Daniel M. “Progressive Change in Emerson’s ‘The Conservative.’” Humanitas 22:1-2 (2009): 125-142.
Wayne, Tiffany K. Woman Thinking: Feminism and Transcendentalism in Nineteenth-Century America. Lexington Books, 2005.
Zuniga, Laura Torres. The Other Tennessee Williams: A Postmodern Study of Identity and Abjection in His Short Fiction. Dissertation, Universidad de Granada, 2011.Reviewed in:
Claridge, H., Am Ford and T Saxon. The Year’s Work in English Studies.” American Literature to American Literature tto 1900. 81:1 (2002): 874-903.
Hodge, D. J. “Reforming Emerson: A Review of Recent Scholarship.” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37:4 (2001): 537-553.
“The Year’s Work in English Studies.” American Literature to 1900 82:1 (2003) 728-751.
“Emerson in the Context of the Woman’s Rights Movement.” Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ed. Joel Myerson (Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 211-250 (paperback edition).
“Emerson in the Context of the Woman’s Rights Movement.” Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ed. Joel Myerson (Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 211-250 (hardcover edition).Cited in:
Anagnos, Julia R., Elizabeth Ann Bartlett, and Cynthia H. Barton. “Texts from Conversation: Margaret Fuller’s Influence.” Woman Thinking: Feminism and Transcendentalism in Nineteenth-Century America. Lanham: University Press of America, 1996.
Bellot, Marc. “Emerson, Fuller, and the Cause of Women: Reviewing an Intellectual Friendship”. Eds. Claudette Fillard and Francois Orazi. Exchanges and Correspondence: The Construction of Feminism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.
Dunston, Susan. “The Italian Alembic: Emerson in the Cathedral, 1833.” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 52:3, (2006): 93-225.
Eckel, Leslie Elizabeth. “Gender.” Emerson in Context. Ed. Wesley Mott. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Fujimura, Nozomi. Nature and the Logic of Emerson’s Man-Making. 2012.
Giorcelli, Cristina. “Did Apparel (Eighteen-eighties – Nineteen-twenties) Help American Women’s Emancipation? A Socio-Literary Problematic Response.” Discourses of Emancipation and the Boundaries of Freedom: Selected Papers from the 22nd AISNA Biennial International Conference. Ed. Leonardo Buonomo and Elisabetta Vissozi. EUT Edizononi Universita di Trieste, 2015.
Lundblad, Michael. “Emersonian Science Studies and the Fate of Ecocriticism.” Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 10.2 (2003): 111-134.
Maibor, Carolyn R. Labor Pains: Labor Pains: Emerson, Hawthorne & Alcott on Work, Women and the Development of the Self. Routledge, 2004.
Malachuk, Daniel S., and Alan Levine. A Political Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2011.
Mariani, Giorgio. Emerson at 200: Proceedings of the International Bicentennial Conference. Aracne, 2004.
Nishio, Nanae. “Emerson and His Ideas of Social Reform: Evolution, Race, and Gender.” Dissertation, Tsuda College, 2013.Reviewed in:
Gougeon, Len, Emerson Society Papers 13:1 (2002): 8.Review: Parables of Possibility: The American Need for Beginnings. American Literature 69 (1996): 233-235.
“William Wordsworth,” The Biographical Dictionary of Transcendentalism. New York: Greenwood Press, 1996, pp. 280-283.
“’To Sing in Horror, To Laugh in Hell’: Byron’s Influence on Emerson’s Poetry.” Byron Journal 23 (1995): 50-64.
Review: A Thick and Darksome Veil: The Rhetoric of Hawthorne’s Sketches, Prefaces, and Essays. American Literature 67 (1995): 591-592. Archived in JSTOR database.
Review: The Topical Notebooks of Ralph Waldo. Emerson Society Papers 6 (1995): 6.
“Emerson’s Influence on European Philosophy.” Nineteenth-Century Prose 21 (1994): 33-47. Archived in Literature Resource Center and other databases.
Review: The Topical Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Victorian Periodicals Review 27 (1994): 169-170.
“Emily Dickinson.” Realism, Naturalism, and Local Color, 1875-1917. Eds. Matthew J. Bruccoli and Richard Layman. Concise Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1988.
Cited in:
Sapone, Joseph, et al. “Research Guide.” Malvern: Great Valley High School, 2009-2010. 29.
“Edith Wharton Discussion Guide.” Realism, Naturalism, and Local Color, 1875-1917. Eds. Matthew J. Bruccoli and Richard Layman. Concise Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1988.
Cited in:
Garrison, S. Edith Wharton: A Descriptive Bibliography. Oak Knoll Press, 1990.