Anna Schachner
Associate Professor English- Education
B. A. in English Literature, Appalachian State University
M.A. in English Literature, Georgia State University
MFA in Fiction, Bowling Green State University
- Specializations
Fiction, Chicana literature, contemporary women's literature, literary journal management
- Biography
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- Recognitions and Awards
Fulbright (summer) to Tunisia
GPC Teamwork award
Southern Women Writers Emerging Fiction award
Frank O'Connor award for short story
- Committees and Organizations
Editor of The Chattahoochee Review
Director of the Townsend Prize for FictionMember of: AWP, MLA, SAMLA, NCTE, The Americas Council, CLMP
- Publications
Many short fiction and nonfiction publications in such journals as Puerto del Sol, Ontario Review, and the Sun.
Novel You And I And Someone Else forthcoming in 2017.