The Chemistry pathway requires 42 hours of Core Curriculum and 18 hours of courses appropriate to the pathway. For up-to-date curriculum requirements, please visit the catalog.

What does it cost?
Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.
How long will it take?
The typical pathway requires 60 semester hours — 42 hours in core curriculum and 18 hours in pathway courses.
Where will I take classes?
Alpharetta, Clarkston, Decatur, Dunwoody, Newton
Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements
Fall Semester (starts in August) — Due by August 1
Spring Semester (starts in January) — Due by December 1
Summer Semester (starts in late May) — Due by May 1
Chemistry Pathway, A.S.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678-212-7523
What Is Chemistry?
Chemistry is a physical science that helps us describe and explain our world. It is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form others and how substances interact with energy. Every material in existence, including the human body, is made of matter. Almost everything humans touch, taste or smell is made of chemicals. Chemistry is involved in daily and monumental tasks, from growing and cooking food to cleaning our homes and bodies to launching a space shuttle.
Why Study Chemistry?
An understanding of basic chemistry concepts is important in almost every profession. Chemistry opens doors to exciting careers in medical research, biological sciences, nanotechnology, earth and atmospheric sciences, energy, pharmacy, new materials discovery and forensics opportunities. Studying chemistry provides tools to understand the world around you: How does ozone protect us from the sun? What makes hot sauce hot? What causes snake venom to be poisonous? Just what are calories, and why do they make me gain weight? Chemical scientists know the answers to such questions. They educate us about our surroundings and make our lives safer and longer.
At Georgia State Perimeter College, you can take Chemistry courses on all five campuses. Chemistry lecture courses (not laboratory courses) required for the Chemistry Pathway are also offered online.
A note on pathways: A pathway is an advising guide to help students prepare for their intended bachelor’s degree major. By following the course of study outlined in the appropriate Associate of Arts or Associate of Science pathway, students will have the necessary prerequisite courses to continue in their chosen disciplines. A pathway is not a major and will not be represented on the diploma.
“My high-school chemistry curriculum really didn’t do the subject justice. When I got to Perimeter and started taking chemistry I was worried I’d hate it. Quite the opposite happened. I found the lectures and labs very interesting and engaging, and chemistry became one of the classes I looked forward to each week.”
Joshua Dierberger
Perimeter College Student
Clarkston Campus
As part of Georgia State University, Perimeter College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools: Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) to award associate degrees. Successful completion of a pathway at Perimeter College leads to an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science degree. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Georgia State University.
The number of jobs for chemists is expected to grow 3 percent by 2018. A degree in chemistry opens the door to a variety of jobs, including:
- For potential career and wage information, visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.
For help with applying or admissions, please review our website, visit a campus office, or contact us at 404-413-2500.
Alpharetta Campus
Dr. Solomon Fesseha
Department Chair of Physical Sciences
Alpharetta Campus
[email protected]
Megan Donnelly
Administrative Coordinator
Alpharetta Campus
[email protected]
Clarkston Campus
Dr. Michael Nelson
Associate Chair
Clarkston Campus
[email protected]
Shamin Shah
Administrative Secretary
Clarkston Campus
[email protected]
Decatur Campus
Dr. Jo Ann Joyner
Associate Chair
Decatur Campus
[email protected]
Dunwoody Campus
Dr. Jay Dunn
Associate Professor
Dunwoody Campus
[email protected]
Ms. Connie Fickenscher
Administrative Secretary
Dunwoody Campus
[email protected]
Newton Campus
Dr. Michael Sakuta
Associate Chair
Newton Campus
[email protected]
Jill Heft
Administrative Professional
Newton Campus
[email protected]
The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.