Grants Development and Administration FAQs
Where is the Office of Grants Development and Administration located?
Grants Development and Administration
Perimeter College
1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 300-A
Tucker, GA 30084
Is it necessary to work with the Office of Grants Development and Administration to submit a grant proposal?
Yes. It is a requirement that all proposal submissions are submitted through OGDA to assure that the submission has the full backing of the administration of the college.
I have an idea for a grant project, what should I do now?
First you should discuss your idea with your supervisor and then, if you have support, schedule a meeting to discuss your idea by contacting:
Lynne Coughlin
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
678-891- 2525
How do I find funding opportunities for my project idea?
GSU has a search engine called PIVOT where you can set-up a search for your idea using key terms and automatically receive weekly emails regarding opportunities that match your criteria. PIVOT is a comprehensive database of both public and private funding opportunities worth an estimated $33 billion. The database not only contains funding opportunities but also provides over 3 million scholar profiles that can be searched for potential collaborative research projects. Once you have established a log-in and created or updated your user profile, you can search the funding opportunities instantly and can save your searches and request weekly notifications of funding matching your research interests. Here is a link to the PIVOT search engine
I just found a grant opportunity that is due in a few weeks, will this be enough time?
Most likely you will not have enough time to fully develop a competitive proposal and obtain institution approval for the project prior to the submission deadline. Please contact our office, and we can assist you in assessing the feasibility of the submission.
Will the staff in the office write the grant proposal for me?
Because most grants rely on discipline-specific content from a faculty member’s area of expertise, OGDA does not typically author grant proposals. The office does provide the Principal Investigator of the proposal (PI) with a proposal template and provide editing and critiques of draft proposals.
Do I need to discuss my proposal idea with my supervisor prior to meeting with OGDA to explore funding opportunities?
We always recommend that you have the support of your supervisor prior to contacting our office.
What is an ideal timeframe for the development and submission of a proposal?
Many opportunities only provide 45 days between the announcement and deadline. Faculty and staff are typically more successful when given more time. Consequently, OGDA helps faculty and staff target recurring opportunities so that more time can be allowed for proposal development.
Can I collaborate with a faculty member from a different college at Georgia State University?
Yes. The collaborating faculty will need to follow policies and procedures from their college or center, and OGDA will interface with the departmental office of that faculty member’s unit.
What factors tend to be the most time-consuming in the development of a proposal?
The securing of partnerships and letters of commitment tends to be the factor that can cause a proposal not to be submitted. Consequently, if a proposal requires partnerships that include letters of commitment/support and/or memorandums of understanding, it is critical to secure the partnership(s) as soon as possible.
Who is eligible to serve as a Principal Investigator on a proposal?
Only full-time faculty, staff members, or employees designated by the vice provost/dean, associate dean, chair or assistant chair may serve as Principal Investigators (PI) or Project Directors (PD) on a grant or other sponsored program. All individuals wishing to serve as PI/PD on a grant proposal must abide by all OSPA policies and procedures, including the approval of all grant submissions through the Georgia State University research portal.
Is there training or are there steps I need to complete prior to the development and submission of a proposal?
All faculty, staff, undergraduates, graduate students and post-docs involved in sponsored programs (grants) at Georgia State University are required to undertake Conflicts of Interests education and training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). Once the training is complete, the Significant Financial Interest (SFI) Disclosure Form must be completed by every person working on a sponsored project (faculty, staff, and students) prior to proposal submission.
Are there special requirements if I am conducting a project that involves research on human subjects?
All faculty, staff, undergraduates, graduate students and post-docs involved in empirical research and sponsored programs (grants) at Georgia State University are required to complete the training modules through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) that include Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) and the human subject modules in their content area prior to the activation of any award.
My department has been asked to partner on a grant proposal that will be submitted by a partner organization, and they only need a letter of support and some brief information. Do I still need to work through OGDA?
Yes. Anytime a faculty or staff member is committing the college to a sponsored project, it is required to obtain internal approval prior to committing to an outside organization.