Digital Design Templates
Below are templates Perimeter College faculty and staff members may use to promote or support college events or produce college-related presentations. Templates for different products may be paired by option number. If you need multiple items, you can ensure consistency in design style by choosing templates bearing the same option number.
Printed flyers commonly are used to promote events. These templates give you options for displaying your content. Each template is built in PowerPoint with the appropriate branding and placeholders for pictures and event information. Click a link below to preview and download a template. These files also include templates for college-branded letters.
Need to give a presentation? Each of these templates is built in PowerPoint with the appropriate branding and styling for different types of slides. Click the link below to preview and download a template.
Visix digital signs (shown on what often are referred to as campus TV screens) provide an opportunity to promote your event or activity on video monitors around the college. Here are templates that make it easy to insert your content. The templates are PowerPoint files. Click a link below to preview and download a template.