Call for Student Submissions for the 2025 Mario A.J. Bennekin Black History Symposium
Mario A.J. Bennekin believed that with education comes tolerance. To honor his legacy, we are creating a space for students to submit scholarly works, including papers, music, artwork, poems and related contributions. All student submissions must be tied to the ideals reflected in the life and work of Mario A.J. Bennekin. Through his work as a scholar devoted to the study of African and African American life and history, Professor Bennekin embraced three core tenets. The first is rooted in the Akan concept of SANKOFA which stresses that one must take from the past to move toward the future. In alignment with this idea, Professor Bennekin believed that understanding history is essential to understanding the present and moving toward a successful future. Secondly, he believed that meaningful education is foundational to tolerance, respect and understanding. And finally, Mario Bennekin felt it absolutely crucial that African Americans be custodians of their own history and culture.
All submissions should be amenable to online publishing. Please review the information and criteria below for submissions.
Submissions Criteria:
We invite currently enrolled Perimeter College students to submit scholarly papers, poems/spoken word, artwork, original music and other forms of expression related to any or all of the following core tenets:
- The study of Black History is essential for addressing contemporary issues in order to move positively toward the future
- Education is foundational to tolerance, respect and understanding.
- African Americans must tell their own stories from their own perspectives.
Our goal is to provide a platform for students to explore Black History in a scholarly manner. Student(s) chosen by the committee, will have their name & submission(s) published to the symposium website on a digital memorial wall, honoring the late Mario A.J. Bennekin. The student will also receive a plaque.
Acceptable submissions include:
- Essays, papers and short stories: Submissions can be nonfiction or fiction (recommended length: no more than 3000 words). Submit in .docx, .doc or .pdf.
- Poems and spoken word: All types of poems are acceptable. Submit in .docx, .doc or .pdf. Spoken word presentations may be submitted in video format. (*See video requirements below.)
- Artwork: Limited to one piece per submission. Make sure all art is accessible in .pdf, .jpg or .png format. The student also has the option of submitting a video. (*See video requirements below.)
- Videos and music: All videos & music files must be less than five minutes. Submissions must be in the .mp4 video format or a link from YouTube.
Submissions Deadline: All work must be submitted electronically to [email protected] no later than Friday, Nov. 15, 2024.
For more information and details, please email [email protected].